
At Bookkeepers Unlimited, we strive to provide the highest quality bookkeeping services at the most affordable prices possible. We often find our pricing to be anywhere from half to a quarter of local bookkeeping services.

You will receive customized monthly statements with the information you wish to see, including:

Accounts Receivable/Accounts Payable

Income Statement, Balance Sheets, General Ledger.


Your Oregon income tax is based on your taxable income.

Oregon taxable income is your federal taxable income with the additions, subtractions, and modifications described in Oregon's tax laws.

You can find information about Oregon additions, subtractions, federal adjustments, and other modifications in Oregon’s individual income tax guide, Publication OR-17.

For Oregon residents, your income tax is based on your taxable income from all sources.

The income tax for nonresidents is based on taxable income from Oregon sources.

If you're a part-year resident, your income tax is based on taxable income from Oregon sources while you’re a nonresident plus your taxable income from all

sources while you’re a resident.

We take the stress and complexity out of payroll processing.
Our payroll service automatically calculates files and pays the federal,
state and local payroll taxes for your small business.
At year-end, we post your W-2s and 1099s online. You will beable
to review and approve before they are final!

If employees lose their W-2sand need more copies, we can simply print new ones.

Bookkeepers Unlimited:

Organizing, classifying, and maintaining a business’s financial records.

Recording transactions and storing financial documentation to manage
the overall financial health of an organization.

Tracking and recording a business’s financial transactions based on
accounting principles and supporting documentation.

Keeping track of a business’s financial transactions, including payments
rom customers and payments made to vendors.


Copyright (c) 2005 BOOKKEEPER UNLIMITED. All rights reserved.
